Tewi Inaba

Edit of this card https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90887695 by エルデッキ enjoy
used this picture of Tewi as reference for the edit https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yuripedia/images/7/7e/8ed3aacf12aaa0320152dd674f85dfff.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201008041610
bnuuy acquired. thanks!
You're welcome cope, glad you like it :) i have one or two edits i want to make and next i'll make an edit for Chen 👍
Honestly i will take anything touhou you can muster xD
If you could make and edit of this Monaca: https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/263213 and maybe some other cards from Waxreplica too :)
Hey Jayblackyeah what did you think about Nazrin ? You didn't tell me :) interesting it's the first time i see this Monaca. Well i just read analisthebest comment on this card https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/344984 and he reminded of Monaca. So i already planned to make an updated version of my Monaca edit, i'll check out what's the difference with this Monaca and the one i used for my edit. Which other cards from Waxreplica are you thinking about ?
I really liked her! shes cute af
I really liked her! shes cute af
i was thinking about Belanor, Misaki, Ísadóra, Ashley and Alice (maybe) all from the "Waxreplica" tag
Nice i'm glad you liked her ^^ all of them look great, i got a soft spot for elves too. I can't promise that i'll make an edit for all of them because i already have a lot of requested characters but i'll do some of them for sure. Do you want them lolified or just edited ?
https://easyupload.io/8zoq6x here it is. pw is your nickname. Had to sift through 60gb xd
I finished downloading it, that's a lot of cards. I will make an edit for Lishu soon and Izutsumi a bit later. After Izutsumi let me know which cards you are interested in seeing edited first but making new cards for the ones that don't already have a card would be too hard. I'm bad at making cards out of scratch, i'm especially bad at creating the haircuts sorry
Anything from touhou ofc xd And Tama. Fro those that dont exist, I hoped it can be salvaged from merging different card, like Heine looking close to Clara from HI, or Sabato to Provat. Tamaki is close to Mao etc. I could prob manage some simpler haircuts when I have time. Real problem is clothes xd
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