
This morning i watched the latest Pseudo harem episode and i saw that Moe's face is very similar to Ayaka plus she's super cute so i said to myself "why not" and launched the chara maker 😭 and NixT you're right Ayaka is so fuckin precious ^^ Edit of my Ayaka's card edit, the original card by Paul99
Also i'm not a big fan of single bun hairstyle but i love ponytails so i made a ponytail hairstyle
Oh my goodness, a card of Moe?! EXCELLENT, I knew you would really like it! at minute 09:07 when they are in their bathing suits I couldn't resist pausing the episode and looking for pictures of both of them!!! thanks for the card, it's going to be a pleasure to put them together! 😭😭😭😭
Haha yes that's the moment, i did the exact same thing you did 😭😭My first Ayaka was based on a single picture found on google but i took a few screenshots from the episode to help with Ayaka 2.0
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