Jinchuriki of the Seven-Tailed Beast, she was a kunoichi from Takigakure who was captured by Hidan and Kakuzu, who caused her death after extracting the Beast from her, she was later revived during the Fourth Shinobi World War. *Edited Card, the Original corresponds to NEXT21: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93710640 The main elements were made by him, I only edited the face and body a little. :)
- 上載者
- Virgoblack69
- 下載數
- 1896
- 上傳日期
- 6/17/2024 6:09:21AM
- 性別
- 女
- 性格
- Reluctant
- 遊戲種類
- 本體
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - [Unknown] - Anonymous - Virgoblack69