Penny Forrester
Penny Forrester from the Bolt Movie This is not my first penny I am working on. My last one I uploaded without an account. To be honest, I have to say she looks a bit strange in the original Movie, or alteast on the pictures i saw from her. Luckily, there are some decent illustrations of her, i could work with.
- 上載者
- The Anonym Guy
- 下載數
- 2007
- 上傳日期
- 6/6/2024 6:38:06PM
- 性別
- 女
- 性格
- Kouhai
- 遊戲種類
- 本體
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - The Anonym Guy
Love how you worked her face. ❤ Thanks for sharing. 🙏
hmm, glad you like it, i mean she is pretty far from the original tho. I mean even her hair is actually not the way it is in the movie. I could have upload a second variation of it.... but it would make not mutch of a difference.
this is a deep cut but a greatly appreciated one fantastic job