Raiya Mikazuchi

c'mon you could have at least recolored the hair
srry mate, the hair that you made is too good and is soo hard to make spike hairs thats looks good.
Haha, I have no problem with people reusing stuff I make. It's just when I made these hairpieces for Gunstar Red, I had added a red-orange outline and shadow color with Material Editor. Raiya Mikazuchi is supposed to be blonde, yeah?
Might look better with a yellow-orange shadow and outline is all I'm saying.
I also probably should have lowered the rimV value for those Hairpiece accessories to tone down or get rid of the blue rimlight everything has in KK- it gives the hairpieces that weird glossy look.
ooouuh yeah i really should change the color for something more blonde, thanks for the advice ;)
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