Mahou Shoujo Lindsey Ogura
Destined to be bullied for all time, shortly after her encounter with Leah, Lindsey found herself forced into a contract with a sleezy, good for nothing talent agent. Except that talent agent was an adorable mascot looking for mahou shoujo to protect Kamogawa from spiritual evil! Being the type that finds it hard to say no, Lindsey has found herself on the front lines of a spiritual battle wearing an incredibly embarrassing costume that she had no say in. While she does seem capable as a mahou shoujo, she does still tend to get taken advantage of by promiscuous spirits and men in general...
- 上载者
- 匿名
- 下载数
- 250
- 上传日期
- 7/25/2021 9:11:05AM
- 性别
- 女
- 性格
- Timid
- 游戏种类
- 本体
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - Anonymous