No context. Just an edited card from KK 357010 uploaded by an anon (which was deleted for unknow reasons. Oh well). Nothing special about this card and i already specify in the bio. Anyway, sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
For missing mods, please visit: https://sideload.betterrepack.com/download/KKEC/Sideloader%20Modpack/ or install KK Patch or use the Koikatsu Manager or Google it up. 🙏 Some members will accuse me as "stealing other creators' cards", but i've gotten tired of those FALSE accusations, i decide to use my name for the Author History. There are people who don't believe me for rebuild character cards. Feel free to edit this character as you prefer, i'm not taking profits anyway. If you have any questions about missing mods, feel free to tag me up in Koi-Class-Chatter in Discord. 👍
Ps: If this card got deleted because of false report (those trolls simply don't like my existence), i demand the equal treatment to delete similar character cards. Sounds fair, yeah?
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