Happy (loli version)

Edit of this absolutely amazing card https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/345125 by Virgoblack69
When i saw Virgoblack69 commenting "i created a monster" on his Happy card release it made laugh out loud. I don't know why maybe because deep down i agree that what he created is uber cursed 😂 Then i came to a realization https://media1.tenor.com/m/GryShD35-psAAAAC/troll-face-creepy-smile.gif i could go beyond cursed. And this is the result haha enjoy
god, what you done 😭 never in my life id have expected that one day i'd have the opportunity to assfuck a genderbender Happy. And yet here i am, the 15th degenerate to get the fuckin card 😭😭😭
have you done***
hahaha 😂
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