Miri Unasaka

Author of the original card is Marvadoz https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105816183 i used Seth Lee version of the card as base for this edit https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/301239
UPDATED her body and a few outfits, enjoy
Don't tell me you got inspired by my uploads in AllTheFallen, LMAO. 🤣 Contact me if you're in ATF too.
I can't access ATF from where i live, did you posted your Miri card on the site recently ? 🤣
What happened was that i wanted to use Miri today and noticed that she needed a little body update ^^
Ooh, i thought you saw my Miri pic spams in ATF, LOLs. 🤣 Nevermind then. 🙏 It's pure coincident. 👍
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