
Grab one more card because I'll probably finish this card at this point and probably won't tinker with it again. Card requires KKUSS shader, here you have KKUSS/KKUTS: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-7E9qGE27pDrRNsMn3nHokC8Kon7IMCW Also card requires hair mod: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KEWg51Jj7Hmf4nnPz486Aca9u-XTcE3b
- THIS IS INFORMATION UNDER EVERY PROJECT I HAVE PUBLISHED (EXCEPT MOST OF THEM I HAVE REMOVED) - the profile is dead and I wouldn't count on coming back here, creating and moding to people here is a waste of time, effort and sweat. Don't look for me on pixiv either because I don't tolerate commercialism in the modding community. What matters here is passion, if someone wants to earn money, let them go to a normal job. And I don't plan to parasitize on idiots, because if everyone acted like that, we would still be living in the Stone Age. It's just that the anger has been building up in me for too long, I have countless reasons why I don't care anymore.
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