Alexandra Kurnikova

link for the card
Edit of this amazing edit by Seth Lee. When the original card released two years ago i wanted to make an edit of her but somehow the card was bugged for me. When using her in H as soon as a skin effect like sweat, tears, drool etc appeared on her the face overlay disappeared and i couldn't fix this problem so i abandonned the idea of making an edit for her. So this morning i saw that Seth Lee made an edit of her and tried her to see if she was still bugged for me and i was happy to see that i don't have the same issue anymore so i made an edit for her, enjoy.
^I think the "bug" happened because the original card in Pixiv using KKUTS shader on the face & body. I used the Main Skin shader & the texture on the head is messed up. However, i tried the KKUSS shader then it works, even with the glossy skin pantyhose. Obviously you need to edit the face with the Material Editor button, but yeah that's how i tried to rebuild from Leopold version. 🤣 And thank you, it's an honor. 🙏
So that's how you fix this ! I knew it had something to do with the KKUTS face shader, like you i tried other shaders but they were all messed up. Guess i didn't try the KKUSS one ^^
bro just use KKUTSalpha shader and 2350 render queue It can run in KKS = =
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