Suou Pavlichenko

I don't feel like publishing anything, but here you go. As for the fact that I have less and less desire to publish, it's mainly because some copy pastes from x years ago 1:1 achieve higher statistics than projects on which I sometimes spend a lot of hours and sometimes a lot of heart, such as: I put a lot of effort into polishing it to perfection only for someone to publish a shitty 1:1 version from someone for the thousandth time and what do I see? that in one day it reaches higher statistics. you prove that it is not worth being constructive, just upload a stolen project 1:1 and in one day it will surpass the most refined version of this character, really demotative. so what should I say when creating, for example, overlays under the uniform? while adjusting the asets so that the removal function works properly? or from time to time the whole thing from scratch. sometimes it takes the whole day so that people can shit on the progress and appreciate not even the regression but standing still. In moments like these, it's not even about I feeling unappreciated, but I don't want to do anything because i dont see the logic for feel like shit? I wonder how you would feel if you were in the shoes of people like me, and there are many of them, many people contribute to progress in this environment, and no one thinks about appreciating these people in any way, fuck, man, it's better to consume copy paste without progress, or another card with fake screns COOL! F... that its a waste time to giving you anything. becaus you dont wants giving respect to peoples like me when i wastes my fucking time for hard works. I Glad when i doing this for myself not for you people becaus this is fucking disgustiny. I dont care with the points but on the respects to authors for hard works and giving to you P R O G R E S and the T I M E
Let me give to you people some life advice, if someone starts telling you that you achieve success through hard work, tell him to fuck off for such fairy tales for little children, because it's bullshit and everywhere, the only thing you will need is happiness as a priority.
yeah man that sucks but this website shouldn't be that important and it doesn't have anything to prevent abuse/faking the numbers
You're partly right and partly wrong. I will tell you that the problem is very extensive. this happens on any database. The biggest pathology is pixiv, where 99.9% of thieves hang out, just waiting for an opportunity to rob someone and monetize other people's work. the problem is so extensive that most people, even with hard modifications, port free asets to koikatsu and want to steal the money for porting free asets that you can always find on DeviantArt. I create light modifications and have been robbed many times by people from pixiv. the only security option was to switch to emotion creators. as a reward, I was spat on in the comments. today, for a change, my statistics have dropped so much that copy paste level shit beats me in statistics in less than a few hours. Only because people are too lazy to spend 10 minutes to manually transfer a card from a koikatsu-compatible game like a sunshine and emotion creators. I feel like a shit, additianoly someone shit on me.
What's more, you can't even defend yourself against this bastards. it took pixiv half a year to remove 1 post of a thief who monetized my free work only to reactivate the post after a while and the same guy was selling a pirated version of koikatsu with free fan HFp Were people understanding of me? you are honestly the first person who trying understand me.
and now I'll drop a curiosity. For half my life, my biggest problem has been depression. And you know what? I completely calm down when creating characters with slight modifications in post-products from illusion. so now summarize everything and think that the medicine started working like a poison since this community turned into a bunch of cemetery hyenas
Fuck, I'm going to bed and I'll take a candy called Xanax for bedtime. I hope the witches don't throw me overboard.
goodnight men, I feel your pain...
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