Minazawa Sakurato

Hello everyone, here is my first accidental upload to this site, I was planning on polishing up my take on the Sylveon card uploaded by Anonymous, but I accidentally pressed upload, and it seems I'm unable to delete it now, anyways I have fixed the proportions and made a few changes to the accessories & clothing, the only difference between the two cards is this one hasn't been broken by hours of getting f#cked in the private zone, and the other one has, so enjoy my first upload to this website, I'll be uploading more edits later once I finish working on them.
Now finally after finishing up dinner over here, here are the card links and credits. Original Card made by Anonymous. https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/338109 Second Card made by me. https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/341096
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