
sorry everyone, I couldn't find a good
this is for you, McDick
Foxy with BIG TITS, bon appetit.
Every time I release a characters here, I do so on my patreon as well just to let you know.
I have one small request, you think you can do a male pachirishu? I know you mainly do female but you think you can do one?
I definitely can but are you ask me make it male or female?
maybe I will go with female
Ok guys, just let you know its not that I don't want to create male chara's for you guys, its just harder for me to make them and i'm not used to creating them at all lol
And for humanoids/humans, I do create them I just won't post them here/I'm not confident to release them here
No problem
also sorry I didn't know you only made female characters.
no problem
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