Anya Forger

LMAO, that smug face. 👏🤣
Also, for those who accuse Allithean "stole" this card, take a look at the author history: ALLITHEAN. So it's an original creation, not an edit.
not that I would accuse him of stealing, especially when the publication is free BUT. don't comment on a topic you have no idea about, the authors' history is not an argument, it can be overwritten by loading certain things from another card. you can also put everything on a clean slate, you can also reset history. so your monologue is invalid. I'm surprised by your ignorance that you don't know about it, especially since I've seen you in this community for a long time. In the future, don't embarrass yourself, you guys from the Internet. It's best way it's not to say anything if you don't know what ar you say, sillents be a gold.
by the way, dude, I don't know what purpose you have in defending anyone from the koikatsu community when the scale of fraud is so high that it's better not to even think about it.
I already knew that loading some parts from another card automatically overwrites the author's history. If you look at my other cards, I always leave the author history as is and in many cases I try to make it clear who the original authors of said card are, especially if it uses a custom zipmod. I worked on this particular card from the base Chika model without loading anything from other cards because a first version I uploaded was reported by the author of one of the cards I based it on (at least I didn't load anything from the user's card that reported the first version). In other words, for this second version I have been careful not to use any textures or zipmods made by the user who reported my previous card.
You don't explain it to me because I wrote it not to you, but to this guy who pretends to be smart and seeks attention by writing nonsense that he has no idea about. Because I have seen countless times this idiot and his pseudo-wisdom that misleads other people.
Besides, dude, why do you confide in me? since when I wrote that I am not accusing you of stealing, I did not even download this card and did not try to check whether you are actually stealing or not. so do you have something on your conscience? that you confess to me as if in church? Because after such a confession I thinks abount to look at materialeditor asortments and compare it with other cards. And seeing if you're lying or not. but don't worry i don't care abount this when cards its for free.
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