Azula Kikoutei

Just another rebuilt, nothing special. I did add several new outfits, but mostly this version's body & head is the same as the original. Anyway, sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
For missing mods, please visit: or install KK Patch or Google. 🙏 Some members will accuse me as "stealing other creators' cards", but i've gotten tired of those FALSE accusations, i decide to use my name for the Author History. Feel free to edit this character as you prefer, i'm not taking profits anyway.
It goes without saying that you WILL need Evaan's mod for this lolified Azula. Feel free to smash her in the Chara Studio. Sassy brats need to be corrected. 💢😭💢
Almost forgot: I gave her surname "Kikoutei", from the 3 kanji letters 鬼光帝, which roughly translated as Demon Light Empress.
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