
Just so you know, Chloe was uploaded by Niza ( long time ago. But unfortunately, the cards was deleted due to the new Bepis site's ToS. Anyway, i never saw any attempts to reupload Chloe since then. So i decide to re-create Chloe, with the only two Chloe cards from Niza. The outfit in the thumbnail is more accurate to the anime version, & i gave her new randoseru mod, also body texture & tongue texture. Sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
For missing mods, please visit: (currently down as of this post) or install KK Patch. Feel free to edit her as you like or as your creation material. 🙏 Her randoseru backpack is from Pixiv artworks/114095752, created by SevenStars.
Update: You can try to get your missing mods in here 👉
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