Sakura Haruno
Serie: Naruto Shippuden Sakura is a Kunoichi from the Hidden Leaf Village. When assigned to Team 7, Sakura quickly finds herself ill-prepared for the duties of a shinobi. However, after training under the Sannin Tsunade, she overcomes this, and becomes recognised as one of the greatest medical-nin in the world.
- Опубликовал
- Аноним
- Количество скачиваний
- 3830
- Дата загрузки
- 2/3/2024 11:08:57PM
- Пол
- Женский
- Характер
- Tomboy
- Тип игры
- Базовая
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - Sagelantropus