Blaze Fielding
- Опубликовал
- Raizen
- Количество скачиваний
- 4246
- Дата загрузки
- 10/3/2022 2:58:40 PM
- Пол
- Женский
- Характер
- Glamorous
- Тип игры
- Базовая
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - Raizen
[email protected]
Do you make outfits liek custom
For the most part, especially if it involves my OCs, I will make my own outfits for them. Every now and then I will use another person's outfit to help save time or if I myself can't make or improve an already existing outfit for a character from a series. hopefully that answers your question.
(if you meant like making my own 3d modeled clothing in blender or something then no. unfortunately I'm not that skilled. I do dabble with material editor's main textures and such though. perhaps not at an extreme degree like some card creators.)
im looking for soemone to make an outfit foram an anime its a relativly simple one piece and main textures Should suffice sufice
i'd have to see what the outfit is but i can give it a try. If the textures/design is simple I can do it. if it's too complex or too specific (for example: a genshin impact or final fantasy character) I might not be able to make it.
Sweet it should be easy and nothing Crazy like geshin for FF, its the Golden Delmo uniform from agent aika
think you can Pull it off
I have tried dabbling around with making the outfit and this is the best I can come up with. I'll upload it right now