Horsing Around

You need [Rikki Balboa] Anus v1.0.zipmod and [Conquestus] Liquids Set 1 v1.0.zipmod for this to work properly. If you have recent HFpatch, you good to go. I put copies of both mods in my mega folder, as well as a Full video.
Find more info on this scene as well as links to the mods on my Pixiv page https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118357054
Scene reupload, fixed camera
For anyone reporting the Dick not showing up, please make sure you have [neverlucky] Dicks v4.zipmod. Before sending a message, if you have a the newest neverlucky mod, please redownload and install a newer HFpatch, it solves 99% of problems ( 5 of 5 people who asked me for help fixed with HFpatch). Just make sure during install of patch you also install Better penetration and Breast physics collider.
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