Schoolyard Show. ❤

If you wonder "Why there are 2 female characters?", that's because one of them is a modded version. The one in the thumbnail is the vanilla version, which is my Mega Milkers Chika Haruno (Bepis KK 320902). Anyway, sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
For missing mods, please visit: or install KK Patch. Feel free to edit this card as you like or as your creation material. 🙏
Do note that when you want to replace the female character with a l0li character, you MUST adjust that character &/or the character's folder. 🙏
Also, this scene is ORIGINALLY & edited from a scene card that was created by Anon_2232, it was a scene of a terrified Chika, facing the infamous "Scary C0ck Shadow" (you know, that one meme). The character's head in that scene card is modded, thus i can't share the character card anyway, But i did modify the scene & her pose, & add more characters to make it kinky as hell.
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