Pool Party. ❤

ORIGINALLY & [heavily edited] from Bepis KKScene 068941, by PETROCHENK007. I only add map area, map props, & 23 male characters to fill the scene. Feel free to edit the characters as you like, because the some loli & shota characters can be used in this scene. Anyway, sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
If this scene turns out to be leaked from paywall, please report it to the moderators in Discord with proofs, & i'm very sorry because of i didn't know about it. All i did is use what i found in this Bepis site. 🙏
Do note that when you want to replace the female character with a l0li character, you MUST adjust that character folder.
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