
Hi, I'm new in AI-Shoujo and I've got an error saying it's missing a mod. When I look for the mod, it's inside Sideloader Modpack/Exclusive HS2 folder. After I add the mod to my mods folder, the error still there. Is there anyway to fix this?
how can i get the mod?here just is the picture……
AiS and HS2 share some of the same mods but most are not cross compatible, you must read the tags and HOPE the creator/uploader labeled the card correctly. This card is a Hs2 card, it will load in ais but not fully as the hs2 mods will not load - which is why your seeing the error - You can edit the manifest file to make the mod work, but requires some knowledge of modding and how the game works . You can also turn off missing mod warnings in the sideloader section of f1,plugin settings then scroll down to sideloader and disable show missing mod warnings. I hope this helps
i literally just spend like 3 hours adding proper tags and making sure the 3 top pages on popular have atleast something to search for thank me later for fixing these lazy people
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