
(MAJOR READING IMPORTANCE) note 1: the card's sexual preferences were wrong, and in this one, it's fixed. If you do not wish to download Julian again, just go to QTEdit and change his sexual preference to heterosexual. Although Julian has male genitals and personality, he's still technically a female card, so he needs the heterosexual preference to be gay. Confusing, right?!
(MEDIUM reading importance) note 2: note 1: everything is fine and dandy with this card, but if he has sex with clothes on, his dick gets crushed into his crotch. To prevent that from happening, a module has been placed so he gets naked straight away, so the error doesnt happen at all. Dont have sex with him while he has clothes on!
oops, copypasted the message wrong...anyway, still late mm day 4 card
note 1.1: its better to set Julian to lean hetero, as if there are other qtgs characters, he can interact sexually and romantically with them...i'm not going to reupload him again because it's fine as it is
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