Shirasu Azusa

To the person that requested her a while back, I hope she's acceptable.
I clicked the download button so fast without even thinking
Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful Azusa! Really appreciate it
So I know this is azuza but. I been trying to make Tsurugi mod work. She loads fine in Character Maker but when I pu
I try to put her in the game it crashes. It shows, Unhandled exception Code 0xC0000005 Adress: 0x6843A200.
Also it seems like the game cant load her files even though I extracted them from the card?
If anyone knows a solution please tell me how to fix it I NEED TO PLAY HER GAAAAAH!?
Well this is embarrassing. I cheeked Github I discovered that my AAUnlimited was outdated and that was the problem. ._.XD Just ignore my other coments. The mod works fine now.
Please make Momoi twins
Amazing card!
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