Kurosawa Suzume

Gay girls are fine too!
>only feels romantic affection towards the same gender
>is lean homo. coward. jokes aside she is cute! great job!
The outfits don't seem to be loading for me. I have the updated Tots outfit pack. Do I need to run harderlinker again? Her School outfit is working, but all her other ones aren't
Blush fix. Please see overrides: https://mega.nz/folder/lCpDUCrS#50s7UXuBbS26wmKIzoDs9w/folder/AaZA2JBD
@FOE sorry for not tagging this card having Sunday Fashion module. that maid outfit you see on the card is only worn on Sunday
@Hayabusa2706 @OFM <3 <3 <3 love you guys!
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