Algode Morgan

Very first card uploaded here. I'm very new to snowflaking, so apologies for the eyesore background
Hey, just's a heads up; I think you're misunderstanding modcards. If you use any overrides on this card whatsoever, mediafires and megas won't contain those contents unless you link to them specifically. Any uploaded nonmodcards should have their override packaged with them. If the card uses no overrides, no need to mention that it's not a modcard... but you really should use overrides and save your cards as modcards if upload limits allow it.
Ahh, I see. Apologies for my smoothbrain, I'm very new to this, as mentioned below. Regardless, thank you for letting me know!
No worries! Also, if you weren't aware, all you need to do to make the card a modcard is tick on the checkbox for it in the AAU Maker. When you save again you should see the filesize increase, and as long as it's less than like 9MB you can upload it here without issue.
Thank you for that! I poured over the google docs for a while and I must've missed where that was. I gotta unfuck the card's background anyway, so I'll be updating a proper modcard version of her whenever I can next get to my pc. In the meantime, enjoy this slightly less ready card.
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