Komi Shouko

Dammit man! Stop with the sexy Shouko! Love the card.
Hi, when I try to add a character to the game, the game crashes. Writes to me "Unhandled exception" Code: 0xC0000005 Addres: 0x6D89DA4C What could be the problem? Probably I don’t have any clothes or something else. I have already downloaded this file https://mega.nz/folder/fxtwlTDA#pPqoMADWP8aNDy_euioVKg
My problem was solved by installing a new version of AAU.
My problem was not resolved) Could there be a problem that I am using the SVII anensor and clothes under it and not the MK-III?
@kotiki123321 Hello! The error "0xc0000005", according to what I have searched, it's by *from low RAM, log file errors, hardware corruption or incompatibility.* According to what i found, some Win 10 users are getting this error. If you are on Win 10 try to open AA2 with compatibility Win 7 or Win 8 or read this section *https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/wiki#further-windows-10-issues-section*. If you not on Win 10, try to open the card in EditAA2 and delete the module "Mood Style" or change the personality. But if none of those options didn't work, try to follow this steps to report a crash *https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/wiki/How-To-Report-a-Crash* or use the AA2's Discord server in tech support channel to seek for more help; or searching for virus, reinstalling the game or looking for your RAM.
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