
Not yet. I need some time.
Mr. OFM How can I change my eyelids? Should I use archive override?
Eyelid 2, Upper Eyelid 3, and Lower Eyelid 6 I don't know how to apply it yet. Is there a way to apply this?
OMG This is the biggest challenge in the world.
Help! Does anyone know how to change the character's eyelids?
First, I changed Emilia's chubby face to slim.
Let me know one she's done!
If there is no answer to Mr.m's advice from URL 54348, I try to finish it in moderation. If I get an answer, I'll fix her face. If I can.
Mr.m -> Mr,OFM
I'm such an idiot! Exists in face detail entry. Please call me a fool!
awesome, and very well made :o
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