Yukari Yakumo
Yakumo Yukari as she appears in the doujin "Yukari-san's Long Summer Vacation" She looks a little bit like Samus Aran in it. And the guy she seduces looks kinda like "Nicole" from that one Metroid doujin... Uses parts of an outfit from this card: https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/136244
- 작성자
- Chargin_Chuck
- 다운로드 수
- 1245
- 작성일
- 9/16/2024 8:36:20 PM
- 성
- 여
- 성격
- Glamorous
- 게임 버전
- 베이스게임
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - CC - Anonymous - CC
The card is not downloading… any plans to fix this Chuck?
Works on my end, might be an issue with your system or network.