Shura Kirigakure

Card requires KKUSS shader, here you have KKUSS/KKUTS: Card is based on Actually, let's start with the fact that I made the uniform, changed the body parameters, because honestly, I can't look at other people's ones, which, firstly, don't have a penny of details, secondly, people use terrible shaders, and thirdly, or they will be like meatballs +200kg, either they will create frodo bagins with a height of -50/-100 with anorexia syndrome, or the body will be like a basic character from the creatormaker. Okay, now let's start with the most important thing, I fixed all the overlays, because Kaoskatsu never learns from mistakes, even when I explained it to him in a PM a year ago. If I remember, it was +50x at 4096x4096 resolution. I don't know why people set 4096x4096 or 2048x2048 on an asset that supports 64x64, or why they set 2048x2048 on lashes that are based on 512x512. later, people are shocked when two characters in the studio consume at least 16GB of RAM, because 99% of the people responsible for light modifications in the koikatsu environment simply don't know what they're doing.
The quality has gone down because of your changes. People with disabilities should die.
modders oh, I see that someone is hurting because the card is for the emotion creators and now you'r are trying to cheat fate. ok clown, I'll give you a chance, give me the breast parameters that I set on this card, and most importantly, support the facts with proof in the form of a screenshot from the game, then you will nicely prove that you are fake or blind, because you write such nonsense, since Kaoskatsu did not even create uniform for this character, which translates into better quality on my part. Fuck off, clown, and suck my balls. I don't create anything for people like you, I don't improve it or repair it centrally under koikatsu, you're just impudent, you don't appreciate anything, you only know how to shit yourself.
by the way, idiot, tell us how much more of your computer's resources are consumed by a broken Kaoskatsu card ehe ehehehehehe AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! XXDDD
Is this your quality? You probably don't have eyes, you invalid without skills. XD Btw It's funny that you have the courage to write me something and lie about reality just because oh my god I corrected and fixed a broken card of your god and guru named Kaokatsu who doesn't know what he's doing and publishes a card that takes 15 minutes to load on a laptop with the recommended game settings specifications. after repair it now loads in 5 seconds and looks the same where it should. I just tested it especially for you on an old laptop.
And now for dessert I will write something in general to everyone, initially I stopped creating, improving or repairing centrally to koikatsu because I was robbed at least 4 times and someone sold my time and my work for real money, I protected myself against theft. I started creating in emotion creators, and you know what? suddenly the case counter dropped to zero. and now it hurts someone from time to time because I don't create centrally for koikatsu, I wonder if this behavior will encourage me to return to publishing in the koikatsu format? because probably not. What's more, I have the same cards in koikatsu, but you can thank yourself for this behavior and transfer everything step by step from game to game, and I shouldn't publish anything to you, even under the emotion creator, because the question is for what? to endure such an insult? funny. Even none of you stood up for me when I have such situations in the comments from time to time, shame on you, don't expect anything, and if one day I decide to disappear from this environment, you know who to thank.
Why call him names right away. is he doing well
Take a look at this. The most popular character is Onna Shinkan Priestess vFinal
some of your other cards do look good but i have to be honest, this one, the face shape is ..well its off.... it looks weird... sorry but that's my honest opinion, i hope you improve your creations cause i have seen worse... in fact horrible ones in comparison to this, also i don't know what emotion creators is so i usually check your work and don't download any of it, because i don't know how convert things, anyways keep up the good work.
@egor i have news for you, modders-san was taken away in an ambulance.
@天才 Generally, I wasn't the one who created the face in this case, Kaoskatsu is responsible for it, I personally think he made it well, so I didn't change anything in the face parameters, at most I changed the shader to KKUSS because it is better for the body. And the resolution of the face overlays, because alphamask in 4k is idiotic since the face supports 1k and it does not affect the visual change, if you want, create one that suits you because I don't see the point in doing it for you if you think there is something wrong with this one.
Don't misunderstand me, if I don't know what you don't like about a face that is made almost perfectly, then looking for what will suit you is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
or... this may sound stupid, but I've often seen cases on forums where people haven't used something. Do you have Split XYZ scale sliders enabled? on the right side you can select such a function in the character creator.
by the way, I don't know what it looks like for you, but for me it looks like this:
and one more thing, I don't know if you're aware of it, but this character is based on anime, here's an example of her face. So I don't know what you don't like about the shape of shura face.
it was stupid of me, because you wrote that you don't know what emotion creators are (by the way, I recommend this koikatsu with another studio) but I was so pissed off by this clown "modder" that I somehow lost my clear thinking. Generally in Poland, for such behavior outside the monitor, the guy would end up in the intensive care unit with missing teeth, probably in more than one country too, in general I'm tired of such clowns because since I moved to EC, from time to time such idiots come back to me like a boomerang . by the way, I corrected my face slightly, because thanks to you I saw that minor changes would be useful anyway, thanks.
@annie93 glad you got those fixes done, i think one of the reasons why this character felt a bit off was because the anime design of this character and the neck area at glance due to the cloth she has around her neck creating a bit of an illusion of her neck length(seemed short when it was not short), i hope you get what i mean but i also recall that she does wear that cloth around her neck, so original design wise this seems the most closest to her character costume in terms of design and i've yet to see anyone come this close and detail the costume in such depth, i did check anime design of this character when i saw this card, i feel like recreating that facial structure would be tough because most anime characters don't have that much of a wide facial structure except in this anime/series, shura's face is somewhat unique because the width and shape of her jawline is quite close enough to be considered quite much as a male characters facial structure in this anime, this anime itself has that unique style for most of their characters, which i think from a design or art perspective is somewhat unique but its also kind of hurting the design here because i think koikatsu or emotion creators either does not have the level of (anime like) shading by default or is very complex to add anime like shading PER character, since when i try using any character(from any creator) I've seen this issue, even the most "perfect" characters that i thought i had, look quite different under different environments, so i think its more of a issue with koikatsu etc itself. Keep up the good work.
Well, creating a uniform is generally not a problem, the bigger problem is usually finding the right assets which I will later modify in Photoshop, but it's nice to know that you like the uniform. I usually try to get as close to the original as possible because I think that creating a character without a replicated uniform makes no sense, especially if it has no half function, especially since it's a hentai game, it's like having sex with your partner in cosplay but after a minute you throw all your clothes on the floor , it simply doesn't make sense, it even contradicts the idea of ​​cosplay, which is why I'm sensitive the uniform. Basically, I based it from two perspectives, once on the anime uniform and once on the figure.
- THIS IS INFORMATION UNDER EVERY PROJECT I HAVE PUBLISHED (EXCEPT MOST OF THEM I HAVE REMOVED) - the profile is dead and I wouldn't count on coming back here, creating and moding to people here is a waste of time, effort and sweat. Don't look for me on pixiv either because I don't tolerate commercialism in the modding community. What matters here is passion, if someone wants to earn money, let them go to a normal job. And I don't plan to parasitize on idiots, because if everyone acted like that, we would still be living in the Stone Age. It's just that the anger has been building up in me for too long, I have countless reasons why I don't care anymore.
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