Mina (loli version)

Edit of this amazing card https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120350221 by Kuzon. What would happen if the MC stopped being stubborn and decided to upgrade Mina to full high grade silicon and with a real human personality (loli version)
UPDATE Slight face update and made an iris overlay from the anime, she looks much better now
UPDATE changed the personality to emotionless, the MC of the manga/anime doesn't want to upgrade her to Super Mina because he loves her personality and i agree. The emotionless personality in KK is great, it perfectly fits the sexbot fantasy. When you do anal to an emotionless character in KK sometimes they say crazy things like "should i tighten my anus to make it feel better, does it feel good". Ngl when i read that when "testing" the robot overlay version of Mina it made me want to switch the personalities of the upgraded version to the original emotionless one, anyway enjoy :)
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