Katia Managan
Katia Managan from the webcomic "Prequel" Outfits are mostly the same, reworked the face extensively in bone mod in an attempt to more accurately reflect her appearance in the comic.
- 작성자
- Chargin_Chuck
- 다운로드 수
- 1247
- 작성일
- 8/19/2023 3:27:58 AM
- 폐기됨
- 226553
- 성
- 여
- 성격
- Jinxed
- 게임 버전
- 베이스게임
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - CC
Ohh wtf, was not expecting Katia in KK :o Why jinxed personality? xD Well... gonna grab her and work on her too, really great work ^_^ !
Jinxed personality because she's perpetually unlucky.
Ehh i dont know... she just had hard start :D but she got some money and now she know better how to use her firebolts and telekinesis so she gets better and better... just hard start :x...