guy black

See, this is why i don't want to share my Black Dude character cards. There's always bunch of F4GG0TS add hateful tags. And some black dude character cards in Bepis are actually pretty good!
@Seth_Lee eiteher that or they are just attention whores with all due honesty, soon we will implement a system that certain tags cannot be added even if someone else tries annoynimously and this is a global change, and if they add racist tags and said tags get removed by an admin or moderator, they cannot be added back. Additionally, we will ahve the option to IP ban users and trolls alike
Awesome! 👏 Also, it will be very useful for the users if you can add a 'Delete comment' button. Because just like Omanko guy did, he (& a lot of annoying users) always flood the comments with inappropriate remarks.
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