Saki Yoshida
Phase 4 (alt. happy ending): For reasons that are free to everyone's imagination, Saki could get out of her problems and is rebuilding herself. Her hair is getting back to the natural color. Her skin is getting more light. Except for her ears, all her piercings have been removed. The tattoo with Hayato's name has been removed with laser surgery but she kept the other tattoos because she finds them pretty and as a way to remember to not fall back to the dark. She found a job at an office and she's following a program for drug addiction removal.
- アップローダー
- 名無し
- ダウンロード回数
- 347
- アップ時刻
- 10/24/2023 2:19:40PM
- 性別
- 女性
- 性格
- Pure
- ゲーム版
- 基本
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - Phalonious - Anonymous - ButtBadger