Machina Soleige

天才 -
Amazing work, she looks very beautiful, it is perfect⭐ , thank you very much for your work.
lansshyater -
>.<Why can't i download this card,without this wonderful card i will go die(doge)
u.n.k.n.o.w.n -
Nice work, makes me want to ask you if you can make a card
ToadLeBG -
@天才 Thanks I'm glad you like it. @lansshyater If it's the 404 error you need to use a VPN, for some reasons some users can't download some cards
lansshyater -
@ToadLeBG got it ,thank you ,just this one can't down,i thought reason is the website originally
xxxrapepkf -
the best machina I found! wait for your takahashi
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