Nozomi Asagiri
The older Asagiri sister who was born and raised in the city. The main character's classmate who is cute and smart. Nozomi is kind, level-headed, and does well in school, and is considered the jewel of the class. She is also very close to her younger sister, going shopping with her and getting prizes from the arcade she frequents in order to give them to her. She looks like someone who follows current fashion trends but in reality, Nozomi is secretly an otaku. She is always hiding this fact. She basically persists in the dark hobby of hers and doesn't want anyone who doesn't understand it to know and fears being outed. She herself doesn't realize it, but Nozomi is a bit sadistic and, even during sex, she is the type to only show a glimpse of that side of hers.
- Creador
- 2K
- Numero de descargas
- 1022
- Fecha de subida
- 7/10/2024 12:54:56PM
- Genero
- Mujer
- Personalidad
- Typical Schoolgirl
- Tipo de juego
- Base
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - [Unknown] - puttaN - 2K