Philian Dophi
Hi! Name is Dophi! I'm the hero that others wish they can be! I'ma straight Pedo! You see that little girl over there. You wish to fuck and make her a mom. To bad! I can easily swoop in for the kill. There parents are to stupid to realize im the monster. Got a sweet baby sitting gig to. The kids always scream and the parents always leave. I wonder do they know. No matter. my goal is to rape some chocolate twins or cum in a stroller the mom is to stupid to watch HEHEHE. It sucks browsing the dark web and sitting at home like the neet i am. i wish my targets can just fall into my......(ring). (takes phone call) Wow! What do you know. I got Some balls to go drain! Maybe I'll leave you a gift some where. ;3 oc owner: @[email protected]