this is the version without tattoos and some elements - full version here https://mega.nz/file/VRh1VBYC#zL9u2_TKtRuHJHaJy2OKzcxp-8uEb25F475FAG7oJco
several possible errors: 1) “problems” with body textures/shaders - you just need to off/on socks 2) in the studio there are problems with joint adjustment - you need to load another card FIRST, and then change character on QT 3) you cannot edit accessories in the material editor in the studio - just click on another character with the material editor open, and then again on QT 4) there are no knee pads - you need to download this mod and REPLACE the original one (in mods/Sideloader Modpack/SENA) with it https://mega.nz/file/cFwTyKaS#-N25-rict4C1YKAQlN5CzfbMRbMEs2hyjzkvY_fc5q8
1)in the bra material editor you can adjust AlphaEx slider 2) to hide belt with equip - hide #7 acc