Lois Lane

Now why would someone put a 'Bitch' tag? This is a fine creation by Valiance! Oh wait, i know: Because they are haters, who can't even produce a single Koikatsu card. Sheesh, envy scum much?
You know that's not an OC, right? From what I understand, it's a fairly controversial take on the character too, but either way, I doubt the tag is intended as an insult to Valiance
And I mean the in-series character behavior, not the base character design or the Roadi3/Valiance take on it
Fair point. I just think it's kinda inappropriate, imho.
The fact it holds up on a civil level still is surprising.
I feel like its some kink, or sort, I mean this website is for a certain purpose, so it would be obvious that there would be such tags for certain peoples needs, though im not sure, different people will have different interpretations
It’s been a thing for ages, some autistic idiot just keeps tagging everything with “bitch.”
Getting some weird texture issue on her thighs, not sure if intentional? https://lensdump.com/i/9eDT2q
Death to the woke weirdo
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