Flora v4

Zip file containing all textures in PSD format (and the fur itself as PNG) here! https://www.mediafire.com/file/ym9799s6fjuks2q/Flora_V4_Card_and_PSD.zip/file
Hello, please maybe you can create Erilas too?
Ah... Working on Flora and Kat already uses up too much of my time haha. Closest character I'm working on is Raine. Although I'm not happy with the results so no idea when and if it'll ever be released.
I like this new version! Also surprising how well the slangy personality works for her.
Thank you! Hearing the Wild personality over and over again was getting tiring haha. We gonna see a Natani V2 anytime soon? xD
lol yeah I should probably refine it more. I'm not used to making these things yet :P
Sagrael, I created an Erilas a while ago (it might not be nobodyforever's quality, but I like to think it's not bad): https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/305862
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