LUCKY ⭐ SH0TA (Edited from KKScene 019291)

RIGINALLY & EDITED from KKScene 019291, and these two shota characters are the hot topic recently. Moreover, the title itself is a pun of 'Lucky⭐Star' anime. Sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
For missing mods, please visit: or install KK Patch or use the Koikatsu Manager or Google it up. 🙏 Feel free to edit this scene card as you prefer, i'm not taking profits anyway. If you have any questions about missing mods, feel free to tag me up in Koi-Class-Chatter in Discord. 👍
You can find Lloyd de Saloum in my Bepis uploads, however for Tokiyuki, you can acquire him in Pixiv, created by KWAN. I won't share this version of Tokiyuki, but feel free to extract the characters using Studio Extract 👉
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