Burnice White (adult version)

link for the mods https://www.mediafire.com/file/mx3ckyqjv3do2r6/Burnice_mods.zip/file
link for the card https://www.mediafire.com/file/axzmvta93lxvnew/Burnice_White_adult_version.png/file
Edit of this incredible card https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/124449116 by Makisu/マキス
🛐🛐🛐😍my wifeeee!!!✨ thank you so much for making her an edit! aaaah Burnice is so cute!!! and crazy... I love it!🩷🔥🩷🔥
Yeah i remembered you told me that you'd like to see an edit for Burnice before i had a break so there you go ^^ i'm glad you loved it
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