Yuki Kaai

Edit of this amazing card https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/345205 by schizotoxia
I didn't know Yuki before seeing schizotoxia and i found her to be quite cute so i wanted to make an edit for her. I had a really good base to start, her main outfit was already made as well as the hairstyle and Yuki already looked A LOT like her model. I just went into the details and tweaked some not often used sliders to try to perfect her face. I also heavily modified the body preset i usually use for small lolis to make the body preset thinner and with better proportions to what a loli is supposed to look like. I did that because i know i tend to make lolis with hips/waist a bit too wide, thighs that may be too thicc sometimes.
seing schizotoxia card*
i was just gonna ask if you intentionally edited the eyes to look a little more accurate or if that was just a matter of preference XD she's practically perfect now. you gotta tell me your secrets of color-picking, man, i can never get KK to pick up on the right shade when i color-pick XD i noticed you made the eyes browner in the tan version, was that a purposeful choice? it's very nice ^w^ and i really love the cat outfit, so cute AND sexy >w< thanks again, pinkman!!!
Yes it was ^^ i try to replicate the face of the characters i edit to the best of my capacity and the eyes are the most important part of a visage imo :) what's the color that you think i picked well ? Usually i make use of the "pick color from desktop" option of the color menu. I click on the part of my reference image that i want to get the color from and then i go to "slider" and i tweak the values until i find the right color because it's never the exact right color when you use "pick from desktop" option. Yes it was intentional, on the fan arts i'm talking about (for example https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgsdpejkid7wa1.jpg) she has eyes that are browner, i like them browner on the suntanned version too it fits her skin tone ^^ I found this cat outfit a few days ago and i agree it's amazing, i tend to use only a few outfits on my cards but that's because they're the ones i really really like. You're welcome :) more like thanks to you, like i said you made a really great base for this edit despite being new to this :)
it was the dress color that i think you picked well; i also use the "pick color from desktop" slider and edit it, but somehow i can never manage the exact shade i want. i think you've just got a better eye for colors XD
Oh for this color i just had to use "pick color from desktop" but we surely used different images as references for the edit of the card, mine was on point apparently ^^
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