Tewi Inaba

Edit of this card https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90887695 by エルデッキ enjoy
used this picture of Tewi as reference for the edit https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yuripedia/images/7/7e/8ed3aacf12aaa0320152dd674f85dfff.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201008041610
bnuuy acquired. thanks!
You're welcome cope, glad you like it :) i have one or two edits i want to make and next i'll make an edit for Chen 👍
Honestly i will take anything touhou you can muster xD
If you could make and edit of this Monaca: https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/263213 and maybe some other cards from Waxreplica too :)
Hey Jayblackyeah what did you think about Nazrin ? You didn't tell me :) interesting it's the first time i see this Monaca. Well i just read analisthebest comment on this card https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/344984 and he reminded of Monaca. So i already planned to make an updated version of my Monaca edit, i'll check out what's the difference with this Monaca and the one i used for my edit. Which other cards from Waxreplica are you thinking about ?
I really liked her! shes cute af
I really liked her! shes cute af
i was thinking about Belanor, Misaki, Ísadóra, Ashley and Alice (maybe) all from the "Waxreplica" tag
Nice i'm glad you liked her ^^ all of them look great, i got a soft spot for elves too. I can't promise that i'll make an edit for all of them because i already have a lot of requested characters but i'll do some of them for sure. Do you want them lolified or just edited ?
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