Chu Hunney (adult version)
- 上載者
- DigBick
- 下載數
- 1043
- 上傳日期
- 9/3/2024 6:45:24 PM
- 性別
- 女
- 性格
- Wild
- 遊戲種類
- 本體
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - [Unknown] - Ginokio - Anonymous - Ginokio - Anonymous
Body edit of this incredible card by Ginokio. I've wanted to make an edit of her a long time ago but somehow when i tried loading other body presets it fucked all of her hair accessories on my game and i couldn't fix it. I tried it again today and magically i had no issues with the hair accs. I was really glad because Ginokio made an absolutely amazing job with this card and i really wanted to give her the Pinkman treatment, enjoy