Kisaragi Reona(Casual)

Recently I've been organizing folders, changing all bodies to the KKUSS shader and occasionally repairing all overlays. Sometimes, due to fatigue, I forgot to change the channel from 4096x4096 pixels to the standard 512x512/1024x1024/2048x2048 or 512x1024/512x1024, so I fix either my own work or someone else's. There is no point in setting higher values. IT'S SURPRISING THAT MOST PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND AND SET THE RESOLUTION EVERYWHERE TO 4096x4096 PREMEDITATELY DESTROYING THE OPTIMIZATIONS!! and recently I even dealt with a hard mod that had 8k x 4k resources built in, the resources were blurry and the 1024x1024 setting sharpened the details and improved optimizations. In the process I decided to create a casual version of Kisaragi Reon, so enjoy. Here you have the required KKUSS and KKUTS shaders: Well, I'm off to fix the rest because this community has been making such a mess since at least 2021 that I still have about 20% of the folders left to repair and that's probably several hundred cards. The worst thing is when you come across an idiot like APURI or KaosKatsu, who sometimes puts a +60x 4096x4096 overlay on one character, where such a card works like crap, looks that same what cards on 1k x 1k, and requires more resources than a AAA game. Charging takes from a few to several minutes. sometimes it takes an hour to fix a card like this. I have some advice for you idiots responsible for this crap. Instead of thinking about how many you will monetize this crap on idiots, as quickly as possible, you better spend this time educating yourself on the basics, because even you, KaosKatsu, when I was explaining it to you in a PM, man, I had the impression that I was explaining it to a mentally disabled person. Two weeks later you were still packing 4K everywhere. and that was a year ago, I don't even want to know if you've wiser up to this day.
later, maybe I will put Reone in the "game" version because I had to improve the optimization, and I also modified it a bit, for example, instead of 12 accessories, the wings only use four because I added an overlay. a more optimized Mizarisa, and Alice needs a thorough overhaul when it comes to her uniform. But I must first find the time and willingness to do so.
and one more thing, the fact that people use AlphaMask instead of MainTex is the height of the circus. SERIOUSLY, LEARN THE BASICS, PEOPLE, BECAUSE THIS IS SUCH A COMEDY-DRAMA
Download 14000~ Cards & 1500~ Scenes Collection:
- THIS IS INFORMATION UNDER EVERY PROJECT I HAVE PUBLISHED (EXCEPT MOST OF THEM I HAVE REMOVED) - the profile is dead and I wouldn't count on coming back here, creating and moding to people here is a waste of time, effort and sweat. Don't look for me on pixiv either because I don't tolerate commercialism in the modding community. What matters here is passion, if someone wants to earn money, let them go to a normal job. And I don't plan to parasitize on idiots, because if everyone acted like that, we would still be living in the Stone Age. It's just that the anger has been building up in me for too long, I have countless reasons why I don't care anymore.
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