Yuuma Aerin
Aerin Yuuma was born in the peaceful and magical forest of Luthien, home of the light elves. His parents, Elandor and Elenara Yuuma, were respected sages among their people, known for their deep knowledge of ancient magic and their ability to communicate with nature. Since her birth, it was known that Aerin was destined for something great, as an ancient prophecy spoke of an elf born under the full moon, who would carry with her the power of light and hope.
- Uploader
- Ekiun
- Download Count
- 1687
- Date Uploaded
- 6/19/2024 4:06:12AM
- Gender
- Female
- Personality
- Motherly
- Game Type
- Base
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - ButtBadger - Anonymous - Ekiun