
The nerve. https://cdn1.filehaus.su/files/1717200795_10572/StreetFighter_A.K.I.rar
Thanks, bro. $30's bad, but it gets way worse.
thank you very much yeah 30 dollars is insane because iirc he doesnt even make multiple costumes its just gonna be a default all the way through and thats lame. Not to mention its poor facial expressions.
Based as fuck
Did you paid 30 dollars for this card?..
Edgelord who thinks sharing work of small creators is cool 🤡
Also, $30 is for his entire library of mods, not a single card
Yeah i was about to say, there's no way they charge that much lmao, this guy is assmad about something i guess
> artist spends hours on modding and textures. > gets it for free and complains why artist didn't do more. Truly foolish men
You're a hero dude. Thanks!
LOL what a tryhard
I mean, it's a disgusting face (lol
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