
"Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you. And I'm sorry. You didn't react at the time, so I was worried it sailed right over your head. Which would have made this apology seem insane. That's why I had to call you garbage a second time just now"
Glados is here! to Insult your very being out of a existence, only to being you back to do some testing
pls Enjoy
The head is finicky in kk some times so don't worry, its only in maker......I hope
Solid card
Wheatley: Hey GLaDOS i was thinking abou... Waaah! God, God, you look terr..ahh, uhm good, you looking good actually! uhm, uhh you look realy different, i mean, not that i am complaining, or could put my finger on exactly what you've changed about yourself, if I had any... ah I mean, uhh, uhm, which is not to say I have anything against fingers... he he, noo, they actually suit you quite well, because they are, of course, very usefull.... like... uh uhm, grab things, give a thumbs up or down, and oh, uhm, did I mention that you can scratch yourself in the most impossible places. Oh look what time it is ahm uh... have ah, a nice day... yeah.
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